Organisational Development

Organisational Development

Competent, external consultancy services in change processes have become standard, both for companies and non-profit organisations. The assistance proves valuable in terms of structured goal definition, process development and presentation, capacity building and often also instrument implementation for quality control. The implemented measures must always be especially developed for and adapted to the situation and goals in question.

In order to make externally guided organisational development more successful, process consultancy should be included in your plans even before initiating the change processes – not only when a crisis occurs. Consultancy services should be applied to all processes of expanding, restructuring and merging as well as handovers and substitution of managers or board members.

I support you throughout the processes of goal and strategy definition, structural reorganisation and actual implementation of measures needed to carry out these processes. Carefully considering all groups involved in the change is one of the trademarks of my methodology and an important step towards ensuring the sustainability of the new strategy.


  • ÖHTB – Österreichisches Hilfswerk für Taubblinde und hochgradig Hör- und Sehbehinderte
  • Vienna Institute for Development Cooperation – VIDC
  • Consolidation of Los Quinchos – organisational development and capacity building at an institution for children and youngsters in Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua
  • Cultural Mission Statement & Development Plan for Salzburg, Austria
  • Cultural Development Concept for St. Johann, AustriaThe Green Party, Salzburg, Austria